This sums up days 1-10 in first grade! Continue checking the blog to see what awesomeness comes up next!
A blog ALL about the first days of school and what to do with your first graders in math...
Day 10: Number 10
This sums up days 1-10 in first grade! Continue checking the blog to see what awesomeness comes up next!
Day 9: number 9
Day 8: Number 8
Day 7: Number 7
Day 6: Number 6
Each student will receive a six dot mat. Let each student explore his or her mat and the numbers on the mat (recall the numbers in a number from day 4). You can see the various placements and colors of the dot stickers will help students be able to identify the different numbers on their individual mats. Partner the students up and have them teach their neighbor about their mat. Let students choose math manipulatives to place on their mats. I have purchased (From Lakeshore Learning) bugs, sea creatures, fruit, zoo animals, bears, etc. that I let the students choose from. I like them to pick a variety of animals and items so they will be able to have a variety of numbers to look at. They then identify the numbers in a number using colors, specific animals or shapes and sizes. At the end of the lesson I have them record some of the number combinations in their math journals and share them with our class. This lesson can literally take an hour if you are willing to let your students explore, change manipulatives and record several differences in their number 6.
Day 5: Number 5
1. There must be 3 people in your group. No more, no less.
2. You must all have a different card.
Some groups get it and some, well... some struggle. What a great teaching moment! We discuss the representation of numbers whether they are items or symbols, numerals or words. Numbers can be represented any way. I then give the opportunity for students to regroup themselves and we usually get this:
Days 4&3: Numbers 4&3 (yes they're backward)
Players: 2 (make enough sets for a class to play simultaneously)
Materials: One set of playing cards. Using 3x5 index cards or printed cards write the numbers 1- 10.
Object of the Game: To be the first player to use all the cards.
Directions: Mix the cards on the tabletop. Each player selects five cards. Turing the cards faceup, the player with the 4 (since it is day 4) card goes first, placing the card in the middle of the table. The next player must play either the card that come before (3) or the card that comes after (5). If this player does not have the card that comes before or after, the other player plays one of the appropriate cards (either the 3 or 5 card) Game continues in this manner until one player has used all of his or her cards.
*A different range of numbers can be used- for example 0-15. Before playing the game, decide which card needs to be in the middle (in this case either card 7 or 8) before playing the game.
*Dominoes can be used to play this game. Just pull out the dominoes with the pips for 0-12. The player with 6 or 7 goes first.
(Game found from: Teacher Created Resources)
Day 3: Noisy Animals
2. Imitate the sound of a loud duck 3 times- "Quack, Quack, Quack!"
3. Play with a friend, taking turns naming an animal and then making its sound together 3 times, you'll have one noisy farm or zoo!
*Sorry about the backward upload, just follow from bottom to top!
* Don't forget to sing the numeral song and practice writing your numerals. The handwriting fairy may even visit today!